Personal Safety Equipment for building cleaning operatives covers protective workwear, tools and appliances
Toxic chemicals in cleaning products, the danger of falling off ladders, or mechanical hazards: building cleaning operatives are exposed to a whole range of different dangers.
With this in mind the International Cleaning Trade Fair CMS Berlin 2019 – Cleaning Management Services (24 – 27 Sept.) is featuring a wide range of personal safety equipment (PSE) for use in all kinds of cleaning work. It encompasses specific protective workwear and safety glasses, safety gloves and footwear, as well as safety appliances and accessories for working with ropes and for preventing falls.
“Work safety is an important issue for the industry – explains Heike Hemmer, the project director of CMS Berlin – PSE is essential for all kinds of work and activities that, by their nature, could cause injuries or present health risks. Consequently, along with innovative developments in cleaning machines and products, the exhibition section of CMS Berlin 2019 also provides an up-to-date overview of the PSE market. Building cleaners have traditionally been one of the main target groups for CMS Berlin, which offers them products that meet their safety and health requirements when they are carrying out their cleaning work. ”
The subject of PSE also features in the two-day programme at the CMS Practical Forum in Hall 6.2. ‘Protection from the Sun for Building Cleaners’ on 24 September (3 – 3.30 p.m.) and ‘Standards Update for Chemical and Machine Operator’s Gloves’ on 25 September (11.45 a.m. -12.15 p.m.).
With the increasing use of technology and the deployment of toxic chemicals, cleaning personnel are exposed to many different kinds of hazards, and the statutory requirements are also complex. These factors make work safety an important issue for the building cleaning industry.
Consequently the igefa stand at the fair is focusing on the product areas of personal safety equipment (PSE) and workwear. The business grouping is therefore being presented as a supplier of PSE systems. A number of partner companies from the igefa network are also using a 300 square-metre area to display their own products and services in the fields of PSE and workwear. These range from personal protection, especially for the eyes, head, hearing, breathing, hands and feet, to skin care and skin protection products, as well as well as systems for securing ladders, and first aid products. In-house disinfectants complete the range of work safety products.