Air Control S is an insecticide based on natural pyrethrum, which should be used with the automatic electronic dispensers. It has an immediate knock down effect on flies, mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes, moths, etc. Air Control S – by Orma – can be used for the disinfestations of domestic and civil locals (houses, living rooms, toilets, assembly rooms, schools, communities, canteens, shops, laboratories, stocks, food industries, hotels, restaurants, bars, barracks, riding stables, animal recovery centers, means of transport such as vessels, airplanes, trains, bus, camper vans etc).
The repellent effect of Pyrethrum extract prevents the infestation of insects in the treated locals.
Air Control S is released in very small quantities at given intervals which can vary from 7,5 to 30 minutes, so a constant protection from insects is guaranteed. A 250 ml can operating for 24 hours a day with a set spraying interval of 15 minutes lasts for 4 weeks.
The system can be used for the insect control in places up to 45 mq.
Precautions for use: foodstuffs which are uncovered, ready or in preparation, must be placed further than 3 meter far from the can. Also available cans with high dome and with different spray-heads.
Registration N. 19.778 of the Italian Ministry of Health. Registration available in: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Bulgaria.