Hygienalia+Pulire 2015 was held for the first time in Madrid, from October 27th. to 29th.
This third edition of the show featured 119 direct exhibitors and welcomed many lectures and presentations with various types of contents, on-site live demonstrations of crystallization of floors as well as several presentations on window and glass cleaning at heights, among other activities promoted by brands participating in the fair.
The response of the industrial sector to these developments has been unanimous and, throughout the three days, the show has received over 5.000 visits. This event, exclusively for professional visitors, has been the ideal catwalk for many exhibitors to present new products, to perform product demonstrations and especially for networking activities and meeting their clients.
This new edition featured a comprehensive range of products and services, that encouraged professionals to travel to Casa de Campo in Madrid; commercial agents, distributors and authorized intermediaries, the industrial, on-premises (Horeca) and health care channels, the public sector, transport representatives, etc., have not missed the appointment and relentless activity was taking place in the stands.
In the absence of a detailed analysis, the Organization is pleased that the exhibitors themselves have conveyed their high business perception level and the achievement of the objective that they set, regarding the number of visitors, as 5.024 visits, both national and international had been reached.
This figure represents an increase of almost 35% over the previous year and consolidates Hygienalia+Pulire as the industry’s benchmark trade fair in the Iberian Peninsula.
Concerning the internationalization of the fair, a clear increase in foreign participants is expected, thanks to the B2B Meetings organized by ASFEL together with IVACE and the actions carried out for the identification and management of purchasers in priority markets, favored by the support of ASFEL and the ICEX.
The Organization is already working on the next edition and new challenges have been set, underlining the move towards higher growth in some sectors complementing the core offering and an open call to secure and consolidate the presence of top companies. Next Edition: October 2017, Madrid