European Commission: public consultation

Commission launches public consultation on performance and impact of EU-OSHA, Eurofound, Cedefop, ETF

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather evidence on the performance and wider impacts of four decentralised EU agencies: EU-OSHA, Eurofound, Cedefop, and ETF, both individually and from a cross-cutting perspective.

The consultation will contribute to the evaluation study carried out on behalf of the  European Commission that is currently underway on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of these agencies to:

  • assess how the agencies have performed in relation to their set objectives and mandates; and (ii) determine whether there is a need to amend the mandate of the agencies.

The public consultation is addressed to beneficiaries and users of the agencies’ services, social partners, researchers, academics, civil society organisations, and public authorities at national, regional and local levels.

The public consultation is available in all official languages here and is open until 25 May 2023.

To reply to the public consultation, you either have to log in or create an account. This is explained on the Have Your Say homepage of the Commission.

As set out in their legal basis, these four EU agencies should be evaluated at regular intervals. The last evaluation took place in 2018.

This evaluation will:

– analyse the agencies’ effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value

– include individual and cross-cutting assessments with an emphasis on complementarities, synergies and increased cooperation, notably among themselves.

Learn more about the initiative

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