TTS introduces Dosely, an innovative mechanical cleaning solution dispenser to soak one mop at a time, directly on the trolley and with the flexibility to adjust the moistness of the mops during the cleaning procedure. It eliminates all problems of pre-soaking such as preparation of additional mops in wide rooms, management of pre-soaked mops which have not been used and their transport with the risk of cross-contamination, and it reduces the risk of user error. Preventing cross contamination and assuring high hygiene standard using a new mop for each area is a fundamental requirement for healthcare facilities: Dosely makes this cleaning method flexible, easy and clear.

And not only: thanks to the innovative on-demand procedure it allows considerable savingsas it reduces the number of soaked mops. You prepare only the mops you really need, without preparing them before, then stocking, carrying and washing a quantity of mops which have not been used. It reduces the quantity of chemical used thanks to the horizontal soaking which permits to dampen just the fibre in contact with the floor, without soaking the part whichisn’t used while cleaning. It avoids further waste of cleaning solution thanks to the possibility to adjust exactly the moistness of each mop on the spot (dosage from 100 ml up to 400 ml), setting it directly according to the dirt, the dimensions of the area, the porosity of the floor and the type of mop used. Dosely can be applied to all Magic Line trolleys.