A Guide to selecting best value

EFCI & UNI Europa have developed this guide in order to assist public and private organisations in purchasing quality cleaning services.

Schermata 2017-10-18 alle 14.14.42

The guide is developed by the European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI) and UNI Europa with the financial support of the European Commission and aims to assist buyers in their tendering process by highlighting the benefits of choosing quality services. The guide is available in 12 languages

This guide provides readers with all the information they need on the updated public procurement legislation, tips on how to develop bids with quality at its core from both trade unions and employers associations from across Europe, along with chapters focussing on those elements we believe are key to quality: cleaning personnel, contract management and contract infrastructure


Schermata 2017-10-18 alle 14.15.02

Schermata 2017-10-18 alle 14.10.11

Source: EFCI

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